Conflict of Interest Disclosure
Disclosure Statement
This letter provides an understanding regarding any conflicts of interest within or between my business practices.
Through the services of Griffin Divorce Consulting, I provide a fee-for-service business, which helps my clients in divorce counseling matters. I am the primary owner of this company.
Through Griffin Financial, LLC, I offer my clients a fee-for-service business, which helps them in the area of financial and estate planning. I represent LPL Financial Services, as a Financial Advisor and Certified Financial Fiduciary® and receive a percentage of fees and/or commissions charged through this company. I own no stock in this company.
I also offer my clients investment and insurance products through LPL Financial Services, Inc. Although I primarily utilize these companies for my investment and insurance products, I may use other companies for their financial products when it is deemed to be in the best interest of my clients. Through the sale of any of these financial products, I am compensated on a
commission basis. I provide Life products solutions through Griffin Financial & Insurance Solutions and receive separate compensation. I am also affiliated with A & A Realty as a real estate agent for the sale and/or purchase of residential and/or commercial property and receive separate compensation.
When you work with me through Griffin Financial, LLC or LPL Financial Services, Inc., you will be charged a fee for the service rendered through either of those companies separately and independently. So that there will be no future misunderstanding, any recommendations to pursue financial planning or to purchase the products will require no obligation on your part to complete the financial planning or to purchase the products through me.
I emphasize that you are not obligated in any way to purchase the financial planning services or the products from me. You are free to select any financial planning firm, brokerage firm, insurance or real estate agent or other vendors you desire for the implementation of any recommendations.
I am not authorized to render legal advice or prepare legal documentation for you. You should seek Legal Counsel for these services. I am not authorized to prepare or amend the filing of personal income, gift, or estate tax returns for you. You should select appropriate individual(s) or trust companies to provide this service.
Martina Butler, CDFA® is affiliated with Griffin Divorce Consulting as an independent contractor. In addition, she owns Global Compass and Mediation from which she receives independently, fees for her services.
This letter serves as an understanding of my business practice and as an explanation of any potential conflicts of interest.
If you have any questions regarding our privacy policy please contact us at info@griffindivorceconsulting.com.